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To be sure, Disney+ currently features a “Celebrate Pride Month” content collection, stocked with such movies and series as “Trevor: The Musical” (premiering June 24), “Love, Victor,” “Glee,” “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,” “Better Nate Than Ever,” Pixar’s short “Out,” the studio’s first project with a gay main character, and “West Side Story,” starring Ariana DeBose, who this year became the first openly queer woman of color to win an acting Oscar for the role.

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In a similar vein, the company produces “What’s Up, Disney+,” a promotional weekly talk show about the streaming service that goes up on YouTube and Facebook (and not Disney+). As a content marketing pitch aimed at non-subscribers, it makes sense that the Disney+ Pride special would be off-platform and available free to watch. Why doesn’t that fit into the Disney+ programming lineup? One way to look at this is that “Say It With Pride” is, essentially, an infomercial for Disney+ - a vehicle to tout the LGBT characters and stories on the service.

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